Thursday, December 22, 2011

I need Financial aid help before applying?

I need to know how can I better qualify for more money. Heres the run down, I am 23 unemployed, live with mother who makes about 80,000 in my grandmothers house who is retired. I heard that since I am not on my own and not at least 24 I cant be considered as a dependent for this and still need my parents income, but I feel like she may make too much. Would it better my chances if I move with my father who is disabled and only living off social security? I really need to know this info before I fill out the form and make it harder. Even if I stay with my father, will they need my mothers income? Help!!! because this school is almost 100000 including the masters im going for. I thought about installments but once I calculated this amount, and im not sure when I will start working. Oh and thats another thing, if I do start working again, and im put in a situation where I have to apply every year, will my income since I plan on getting two jobs effect my chances of getting enough loan amounts?


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